Asheville Blue Ridge Rose Society
Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2024
Today’s meeting at the American Red Cross classroom was called to order at 2:05pm by President Christine Gum. A quorum was present.
Attending today- Ray and Karen Bowen, Cloud Conrad, Christine Gum, Doug Hauschild, Pamela Jaccarino, Steve and Angela Kuykendoll, Sidney Larsen, Pat Limeri, René Moore, Mark Ruder, Donna Sapp, John Smith, Dianne and Lynn Sneath, Chrys Wallen, Mary Ann Willingham, Keven White, Mary Wood
Minutes from the January meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report- René Moore reported $4212.70 in account. Chrys Wallen will be assisting René with Treasurer’s duties. Insurance still needs to be paid when 2024 membership list is complete.
2024 Fertilizer order- Ray Bowen reported fertilizer orders are due today and will be delivered in March.
Carolina Mid-Winter meeting- Christine reported a good showing from our
group at the Winston-Salem meeting. Good speakers, food, and socializing!
Rose Exhibition- NC Arboretum May 24(set up), May 25-26 (exhibition) Dianne showed us a sample flyer for distribution. Staples has best price, $150 for 500 copies. *A motion was made by Chrys Wallen to allow up to $200 for Rose Exhibition advertising, motion seconded by Christine Gum, motion carried.*. Volunteer sign up sheet will be available closer to event.
The Greater Greenville Rose Society will be holding a Chemical Safety class on February 26. If interested contact Dianne for more information.
Red Cross Garden- Christine asked for Deb Wagner if anyone could spray dormant oil and fungicide next week. Lynn Sneath volunteered. (Thank you
Weeks Roses order- Doug Hauschild reported our order was shipped last Thursday or Friday, not sure when it will arrive. Unfortunately no “Julia Child” in order.
Need volunteers to babysit unsold roses until rose sale.
List of roses for purchase was available for members.
Stay tuned for information regarding arrival and pickup of roses
Fertilizer protocol survey- Mary Ann Willingham asked members to fill out a survey regarding fertilizer use in our gardens and return to her via mail by February 28. Results will be shared at April meeting.
Breaks for snacks provided by Martha Bader, Ray and Karen Bowen.
Today’s program “Tools for Gardeners and their Maintenance” by Donna Sapp. Donna gave many tips about essential tools and accessories for taking care of your garden.
Meeting ended around
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Wood