Asheville Blue Ridge Rose Society
Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2024
Today’s meeting at the American Red Cross classroom was called to order at 2:15pm by Vice-President Dianne Sneath, alongside President Christine
Gum. (Meeting starting a little late today because of fertilizer order and Weeks roses pickup) Quorum present.
Attending today-Gary Anderson, Ray and Karen Bowen, Michael Carroll, Cloud Conrad, Paul Franklin, Joan Glacken, Christine Gum, Doug Hauschild, Marjorie Iles, Marie Jordan, Renee Lampila, Sidney Larsen, Nancy Mikula, René Moore, Sheri Page, Mark Ruder, Donna Sapp, Dianne and Lynn Sneath, John Smith, Nicole Vandenheuvel, Deb Wagner, Mary Ann Willingham, Mary Wood
Doug Hauschild gave a “Spring Pruning Overview” with top tips for getting your spring pruning done efficiently. A guide from Portland Rose Society was handed out.
Minutes from the February meeting were approved by members. Treasurer’s Report- René Moore reported a balance of $3157.52. Spending this month included website costs, storage facility, and Weeks roses. If you purchased a Weeks rose please give her the check.
Garden Maintenance- Deb Wagner reported that maintenance will be done like last year. Each month will need a leader to organize chores to be done that month- spraying, weeding, deadheading, etc. Sign up sheet for volunteer leaders was passed around.
Many thanks to-
Ray Bowen and the fertilizer crew for picking up and distributing fertilizer
Doug Hauschild for coordinating Weeks Rose order and “rose sitters”�
Renee Lampila for stepping in last minute to provide today’s snacks�
Christine had a new 2024 snack sign up sheet passed around for Hospitality chair Martha Bader.
Cloud Conrad reported for Mary Ann Willingham that only 2 Fertilizer Protocol questionnaires have been returned via mail. If anyone needs another, give Cloud your email address and she will send.
Donna Sapp gave update on Programs and possibilities for the remainder of 2024. Her focus has been to have programming of interest to newer and
experienced rose growers. Any ideas? Email Donna at
Rose Exhibition at NC Arboretum- May 24(set up), May 25-26(exhibition) Flyers have been printed and are ready to distribute starting in April. There
have been some staff changes at the Arboretum.
Pruning of the Red Cross garden started around 3:00 with experienced members showing newer members basics of spring pruning.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Wood
UpcomingNext meeting April14. Jim Tucker will speak on fertilizing roses and then we will break into groups and fertilize the Red Cross garden.
No meeting in May.
May 18-Rose sale
May 24-26-Exhibition at Arboretum
June 9
July14- “All about Roses, types of roses and their traits, uses and